北美台灣同鄉會返台助選 鄭義和董事長邀宴致詞


大家晚安 大家好




1964 年彭明敏教授在他的台灣人民自救宣言,一開頭就說 「ㄧ個中國」、「ㄧ個台灣」早已是鐵一般的事實。我呼籲全體台派團體聯合起來反擊侯友宜們中國國民黨這種判亂賣國的言論。中國國民黨在白色恐怖時期,殺害人民。無數海外台灣人也因此被列入黑名單,數十年無法回到自己的故鄉台灣。經過民主改革後,台灣已是一個民主國家。











12/16 2023

Dear President Chen, beloved Taiwanese Countryman :

It is with great honor that I welcome you to this delightful evening event. As the founding president of the Taiwanese American Association, I am immensely proud to welcome tonight the return election support team of the Taiwanese American Association.

We know that our fellow Taiwanese have always had an immense concern for the development and future of Taiwan. Today, we gather together to collectively strive for the future of Taiwan. This evening's banquet is not merely a gathering, but a manifestation of our love and concern for Taiwan.

During this election period, we have seen how Hou You-yi and the Kuomintang (KMT) openly stand with China, which holds hostile intentions towards Taiwan, and consistently denounce Taiwan independence. I urge all Taiwanese groups to unite and push back against the KMT's anti-Taiwan rhetoric.

1964 Professor Peng Mingmin's declaration on self-help of the Taiwanese people.
At the beginning, it was said that "China" and "Taiwan" had long been iron-like.
During the White Terror period, the KMT perpetrated atrocities, leading to the blacklisting of numerous overseas Taiwanese, preventing them from returning to their homeland for decades. After democratic reforms, Taiwan has become a democratic country.

In the current presidential and legislative election, the KMT has not only failed to learn from the lessons of transitional justice but has transformed, masquerading as a democratic party, aligning with China, which surrounds Taiwan with military vessels and aircraft and collaborates closely with the hostile forces against our country. Meanwhile, they continue to label the Democratic Progressive Party as pushing for Taiwan independence, without knowing which country's president they are running for?

I urge all Taiwanese groups to unite and fight back against Hou You-yi and the KMT. Let us use the power of the people's vote to punish the perpetrators of the White Terror era and eliminate the KMT, which harms the country and its people.

We know that our fellow Taiwanese have always had an immense concern for the development and future of Taiwan. Today, we gather together to collectively strive for the future of Taiwan. This evening's banquet is not merely a gathering, but a manifestation of our love and concern for Taiwan.

I sincerely thank all the guests in attendance.

Let us ignite the beacon of hope for Taiwan together and strive for a brighter future for Taiwan!

Thank you, everyone.

Lai Hiau got elected overwhelmingly !!
DPP control majority in congress ! 

Yi-he Zheng
Founding President
Taiwanese American Association

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