平權自信  世界同行

#平權 自信  世界同行】

#Taiwan's Cabinet has passed a same-sex marriage bill and sent it to the Legislature for approval. Taiwan is letting its colors shine as a #beacon of equality in Asia.

“This is a huge step forward for marriage equality in Taiwan. The draft law is the first of its kind in Asia to allow same-sex marriage. It sends a strong message to the Taiwanese people and the world that Taiwan chooses #love over hate, and #equality over discrimination. " — Amnesty International https://reurl.cc/eDDOW

隨著行政院 #司法院釋字第748號解釋施行法 通過院會送交立法院,#臺灣 正向世界承諾,將會好好守護這片土地上每一個人的 #自由 與 #平等~ 讓愛,不再有局外人;也讓亞洲,不再置身事外 

ℹ️ Taiwan Newshttps://reurl.cc/WGRX7Taiwan Todayhttps://reurl.cc/x7LE5

#平權自信 #世界同行
#就一個感想 #我臺灣我驕傲

< 資料來源:外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan)引用網址 >
