
烏克蘭總統澤連斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)於當地時間24日凌晨於臉書發表談話影片,以俄語進行,明顯是向俄羅斯人民喊話。



“You are told we are Nazis. But can a people support Nazis that gave more than eight million lives for the victory over Nazism? How can I be a Nazi? Tell my grandpa, who went through the whole war in the infantry of the Soviet Army and died as a colonel in independent Ukraine.”


“You are told that we hate Russian culture. But can a culture be hated? Any culture? Neighbors are always enriching each other culturally, but that does not make them one, does not dissolve us in you. We are different, but that is not a reason to be enemies. We want to build our own history. Peacefully. Calmly. Truthfully.”




Donbass 體育場?在歐洲盃我曾經跟當地人一起為我們的男孩加油的地方?

Shcherbakova公園?那個在球隊輸掉後我們一起喝酒的地方? Lugansk?我最好的朋友的母親的家鄉、父親埋葬的地方?


“You are told that I am ordering to attack Donbas. To shoot. To bomb without question. Although there are questions: to shoot who? To bomb what? Donetsk? Where I have been dozens of times? I have seen their faces and eyes. Artema? Where I’ve walked with friends before? Donbass Arena? Where I have rooted with the locals for our boys during the Euros? Shcherbakova Park? Where we drank together after our team lost? Lugansk? The home of my best friend’s mom? The place where his father is buried?

Note that I am now speaking in Russian, yet no one in Russia understands what these names, streets, and events mean. This is all foreign to you. Unknown. This is our land. This is our history.”







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